Archive for October, 2023


Last month I gave you some tips on how to get the whole family to exercise more together.  Here are some more fun exercises to do with younger – and older! – family members.


Place hands on floor in front of you and crawl forward slowly, then backward as you and your children sing. (Do 5 repetitions, rest, then 5 more). This exercise is a good stretch and tones your back, knees and thighs.

The eensy weensy spider crawled across the floor Spider crouch

Then he crawled back and crawled again once more

If you watch a spider, you might be surprised,

Cause the eensy weensy spider loves to exerciseSpider Drawing


On hands and knees, keeping back as straight as possible do the “Doggie and the Fire Plug”: Keeping right knee bent, lift up as high as possible. Repeat 10 times. Rest and repeat another 10 times. Rest and do the same with other knee, (right knee on floor, left in air). Song is to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell.

The doggie and the plug

The doggie and the plug

He likes your shoes, and loves your rug 

The doggie and the plug. Dog & Woman

Lift your leg up high

Lift your leg up high 

Way up high,

To the sky

Lift your leg up high

The doggie likes the plug

The doggie likes the plug

He likes to cuddle,

Loves to hug

But, oh, he loves that plug!

Re-evaluate each family member’s eating and exercise habits every3-5 weeks. Make changes if things aren’t working out. Support each other by talking, listening and encouraging.


Carbohydrates are no more fattening than any other food.  In fact, ounce for ounce, they provide half the calories of fat.  But any food can be “fattening” if you eat too much.

Carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy and provide valuable vitamins, minerals and fiber.  Keep in mind there are three types of carbohydrates —simple, medium and complex.

Simple Carbohydrates or “sugars” are found in some fruits such as grapes and various melons. All types of candy are made of simple carbohydrates, as well as some cereals.  Some simple carbohydrates, including candies and pastries are refined.  Most of the nutritional value is lost but calories are retained when a carbohydrate is refined. Refined sugars should be limited due to their low nutritional value and high calories.

Medium Carbohydrates are not talked about very often. Carbohydrates included in this group are fruits and vegetables such as green apples, pears, tomatoes and most of the green vegetables.  I suggest that these are the carbohydrates that should be eaten most often especially by women.  They have a high nutritional value and are low in calories.

Complex Carbohydrates, or starches, are found in a wide variety of foods and for that reason are usually the major sources of carbohydrates in your health plan.  Complex carbohydrates include foods such as pasta, beans, bread, bananas, and some vegetables.  However, I feel that complex carbohydrates should be limited in your health plan, as it takes your body too long to burn the calories, unless you are involved in an exercise program. I suggest that women, especially, limit their intake of complex carbohydrates due to the enzymes in their bodies.